What Is Clotted Cream And What Does It Taste Like?

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Clotted cream is a type of cream that is made in the United Kingdom. It is a thick, creamy spread that is used on scones, toast, and other pastries.

Many people are curious about what clotted cream tastes like, but they are not sure where to find it or how to order it.

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about clotted cream!

We will talk about its unique flavor profile and provide you with some information on how it’s made.

If you are curious about this unique type of cream, keep reading!

What Does Clotted Cream Taste Like?

The taste of clotted cream can best be described as rich, creamy, and slightly sweet flavor. It is a bit salty but not overpoweringly so, and it has a slight tanginess to it that sets it apart from other types of cream. It also has a bit of a nutty flavor.

If you’ve never tasted clotted cream, it can best be compared to the taste of butter combined with cream cheese.

scones with clotted cream and jam
scones with clotted cream and jelly

The texture is also similar to that of butter, as it has a light and fluffy consistency with a very rich flavor profile.

It has a slightly citrusy taste as well.

As clotted cream consists of a high percentage of butterfat, it is a very indulgent and satisfying spread.

Clotted cream pairs well with both sweet and savory dishes, so you can use it in both contexts.

For example, you could spread clotted cream on a scone with jam for a sweet breakfast, or you could use it as a condiment for savory dishes.

A scone with some clotted cream and jam is definitely one of my favorite breakfasts.

I also love to serve it during brunch, especially if I am having friends or family over. It just gives it that extra touch!

Overall, clotted cream is a delicious and unique type of cream that everyone should try at least once in my opinion.

If you are ever in the United Kingdom, be sure to give it a try. And if you are not, you can order it online.

What Does Clotted Cream Fudge Taste Like?

The taste of clotted cream fudge can best be described as buttery, salty, and a little bit sweet. It is a very indulgent flavor, and it’s perfect for those who love rich and creamy treats. It’s also a bit tangy, which gives it an extra dimension of flavor.

Clotted cream fudge is a type of traditional English fudge that uses clotted cream as its main ingredient.

This means that the texture and consistency are similar to regular fudge, but with a more distinct flavor profile due to the addition of clotted cream.

Clotted cream fudge can be found in specialty stores or online, and it is definitely worth trying if you are a fan of clotted cream!

What Does Clotted Cream Ice Cream Taste Like?

Clotted cream ice cream is a unique type of ice cream that is made with clotted cream as its main ingredient. The taste can best be described as buttery, salty, and sweet. It has a very indulgent flavor that will definitely satisfy any sweet tooth out there.

This means that the flavor and texture are both very distinct, as clotted cream is a rich and creamy spread.

Clotted cream ice cream is not something to be found quite often, but it can be found in specialty stores or online. If you are a fan of clotted cream, then this is definitely the ice cream for you!

Does Clotted Cream Taste Sour?

Clotted cream does not taste sour, but it does have a slight tanginess to it that sets it apart from other types of cream. This tanginess is part of what gives clotted cream its unique flavor profile, and it is something that many people tend to enjoy.

If you are looking for a creamy and slightly sweet spread with a bit of a kick, clotted cream is the perfect choice!

clotted cream

Does Clotted Cream Taste Like Cheese?

Clotted cream does not taste like cheese, but it does have a rich and creamy flavor that is similar to butter. As cheese falls under the category of savory food, clotted cream is not. The two are actually quite different when you compare them to eachother.

However, if you are looking for a creamy and salty spread to enjoy with your savory dishes, clotted cream is the perfect choice!

Does Clotted Cream Taste Like Whipped Cream?

Clotted cream does not taste like whipped cream, but it has a light and fluffy texture with a very rich flavor profile. As whipped cream can be described as light and airy, clotted cream is the opposite. It is dense and creamy, with a flavor that is sure to please!

Where whipped cream is often used as a topping for desserts or beverages, clotted cream can be enjoyed on its own.

It is perfect for spreading onto bread or using as an ingredient in recipes like scones.

Do You Eat Clotted Cream on Toast?

Clotted cream is a dense and creamy spread that can be eaten on toast. It is very rich in flavor, so it’s best served with something sweet like jam or honey. If you are looking for an indulgent breakfast treat, make sure to try clotted cream on toast some time!

I personally love to combine my clotted cream with some brioche toast and some chai tea on the side.

It is my idea of a perfect yet simple and festive breakfast!

scones with clotted cream and jam

Does Clotted Cream Smell?

Clotted cream does not have much of a smell, but it does have a distinct flavor profile. It is rich and creamy with just the right amount of tanginess to set it apart from other types of cream or butter. The closest smell to clotted cream would be whipped cream, but it is still quite different.

If you are looking for something that tastes good without smelling too overpowering, clotted cream might be worth trying!

How Is Clotted Cream Made?

Clotted cream is made by heating milk to a very high temperature and then allowing it to cool slowly. During the cooling process, the cream rises to the top of the milk and forms a thick layer that can be scraped off and spread on top of scones or other pastries.

The process of making clotted cream is very similar to the process for making butter.

The only difference is that you want to heat your milk at a specific temperature for an extended period of time (about eight hours), whereas when making butter, you only want to heat the milk until it reaches a boiling point.

If you are looking to make your own clotted cream, there are a few different recipes that you can try.

However, it is best to start with an easy recipe so that you get used to the process before moving on to more complex recipes.

Where Can I Buy Clotted Cream?

Clotted cream can be found in the United Kingdom, but it is not as popular outside of this region.

If you are interested in trying clotted cream for yourself, you will need to order it online or find a specialty store that carries it near where you live.

A great and easy place to order clotted cream is from Amazon.

Other Questions You May Have

What is the difference between clotted cream and heavy/whipping cream?

Clotted cream has a much higher butterfat content than regular cream, with a minimum of 55% fat compared to 36-40% for heavy/whipping cream in the United States. This high fat concentration allows the cream to “clot” or separate from the whey through a slow heating process. 

The result is a thicker, richer cream with a velvety smooth texture that is dense and spreadable at room temperature.

It has a noticeably creamier, almost buttery taste compared to regular whipped cream which has a lighter, more airy consistency.

How do you make clotted cream?

The traditional method involves slowly heating full-fat milk from dairy cows (usually Jersey cows) in shallow pans either on the stovetop or in a low temperature oven overnight. As the milk is heated to around 80-90°F, the cream content rises to the top and separates from the whey, thickening into heavy clots. 

This can take anywhere from 12-24 hours on the stovetop or in the oven.

For a faster method, some recommend using an Instant Pot by sealing in the milk on a warm setting for 8-10 hours.

In any case, it’s important to heat the milk slowly and avoid agitation so the cream has time to separate and rise to the top in thick clots.

Where can I find clotted cream?

Specialty grocers, farmers markets or British import shops may carry brands of clotted cream that have been shipped from the UK. However, these can be expensive and may not be as fresh as homemade. 

The counties of Cornwall and Devon in southwest England are famous for their traditional clotted cream made from the milk of Jersey cows grazed on wild flower meadows.

For an authentic taste, many recommend making your own following time-tested recipes. While it requires advance planning, homemade clotted cream has an unbeatable fresh creamy flavor.

Can I substitute another kind of cream?

You can try substituting thicker creams like crème fraiche, mascarpone or sour cream, but they won’t have the same rich dense texture as authentic clotted cream due to the lower butterfat content. 

Regular heavy whipping cream straight from the grocery store also won’t achieve that clotted texture without undergoing the slow heating process.

While substitutes can work in a pinch, nothing quite replaces the luxurious creaminess of real clotted cream made from full-fat milk.

How long will homemade clotted cream last?

Properly stored in an airtight container or sealed jar in the refrigerator, homemade clotted cream should maintain good quality for up to 10 days. It can also be frozen for longer storage of up to 3 months. 

When freezing, it’s best to separate the clotted cream into smaller portions or ramekins first so only a small amount needs to be thawed at a time.

Thawed clotted cream may have a slightly softer texture but the flavor will remain rich and creamy.

What is clotted cream traditionally served with?

A true traditional British cream tea involves indulging in clotted cream generously spread on a just baked scone. Whether a sweet fruit scone or savory cheese and herb scone, the thick cream is best complemented by a layer of tangy strawberry jam. 

This makes for a delicious sweet treat, perfect for enjoying with a pot of tea. Earl Grey or English breakfast tea are favorites to sip alongside the creamy scone.

Clotted cream can also crown fresh scones, crumpets or muffins for a luxurious breakfast or afternoon pick-me-up.

Is clotted cream good for you? 

In moderation, clotted cream can absolutely be part of a healthy diet. As a dairy product made from fresh full-fat milk, it contains nutrients like calcium, vitamins A and D, and protein. However, with around 700 calories and 80g of fat per 100g, it’s also quite high in calories and saturated fat. 

Like all indulgent treats and tasty foods, it’s best saved for occasional enjoyment rather than everyday consumption.

What’s the best way to enjoy clotted cream for the first time?

For an authentic experience of clotted cream in its element, try enjoying it the traditional way – on a scone straight from the oven. The combination of warm baked scone and cool, thick cream allows the flavors to truly sing. 

Spread the clotted cream thickly atop the scone so its dense texture fully coats the bread.

A few spoonfuls will be enough to taste its unique rich creaminess.

Savor a few bites on its own before adding a layer of strawberry or raspberry jam for contrasting sweetness.

This classic pairing is sure to make an unforgettable first impression of Britain’s beloved clotted cream.

In Conclusion

Clotted Cream is a unique type of cream that has a rich and creamy flavor with a slight sweetness to it.

Its flavor can best be described as a cross between butter and cream cheese and has a nutty and citrussy aftertaste.

It is perfect for both sweet and savory dishes, and it pairs well with both breakfast foods and dinner items.

The best way to eat clotted cream is by spreading it on top of some scones or toast along with a bit of jelly or honey.

Clotted cream can be found online or in specialty stores, and it is worth trying if you are looking for something new and unique!

The slow heating process concentrates the fat and results in thick cream clots rising to the top.

This traditional oven method produces clotted cream with the most authentic creamy taste, though stovetop techniques using a candy thermometer can also work.

While ultra-pasteurized imported varieties offer longer shelf life, nothing compares to clotted cream made fresh from unpasteurized local milk.

Enjoyed sparingly as a delicious treat on homemade scones or toast, clotted cream adds a touch of indulgence to British cuisine like an afternoon cream tea or as a spread for Prince Harry’s favorite English breakfast scone.

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